Immerse yourself in sacred sounds that calm your mind, body and emotions

Our Sound Spa uses a range of scientifically proven sound frequencies to promote health and well-being. This is both an art and a science and you will find yourself immersed in something akin to a cellular massage as the sounds wash over you and through you.

We take time to personalize your sound healing journey, selecting the right instruments to create an optimized therapeutic experience. All your stress and tension will melt away and leave you feeling refreshed and deeply relaxed.

These therapeutic sounds will encourage a reset of your parasympathetic nervous system to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and revitalized.

It is important to note that true healing can only take place when there is harmony within and you are at peace.

Sound therapy is both an art and a science

Sound is a powerful healing force

Sound conveys immense power and has a profound impact on our bodies. Sound has been used as a healing technique for centuries and is mentioned in the most ancient of our spiritual texts. Essentially sound is a vibration that travels through air, liquids and what we might term as 'solids'. Fundamentally, sound is a wave form, having as its primary attributes: frequency and amplitude. Our holistic health training, based on the merging of ancient wisdom with modern science (quantum physics) has given us a comprehensive understanding of the qualities of these wave forms. Thus, we have the knowledge of how to tap into them and optimize the conditions under which sound becomes a powerful healing force.

The natural way to relieve stress

When we are out of balance, mentally, emotionally and physically, we experience this imbalance as a lack of ease within the body, often termed 'disease'. This imbalance can be brought about by a number of factors but the major one is stress. Using sound waves, we can soothe the nervous system and encourage a restoration of harmony at a cellular level.

Sound will be the medicine of the future
Edgar Cayce

Sound waves formulated for specific parts of the body

Every organ in the body, vibrates at a specific rate. When it is out of balance and, perhaps, experiencing pain, specific frequencies of sound waves can be directed to that part of the body. Since the sound waves flow through the water in your body at 4x the speed that they travel through the air, (we are 70% water) you can feel the healing vibrations working within you. So, for example, if it is a painful knee, back pain, high blood pressure, anxiety or a mental health issue, you will find sound therapy to be highly beneficial. We can also attune the sounds to create harmony between the left and right sides of the brain which helps to create a highly relaxed, meditative state. This promotes better sleep and clarity of mind.

A wide range of instruments

We create healing sound waves via special instruments, such as:
- Himalayan singing bowls with a full range of frequencies and overtones
- Tingsha cymbals with their exceptionally pure tones
- O,cean drum with its soothing sound, reminiscent of ocean waves
- Koshi chimes with their crystalline relaxing sounds of the elements: earth, water, air and fire
We also use more traditional instruments such as the piano and the silver flute,

Private, one-on-one sound therapy sessions

Set aside one hour, just for you, and Immerse yourself in sacred sounds, scientifically proven to foster health and enhance your physical and emotional well-being.

The experience will be optimized to take account of your unique circumstances. For instance, if you need help with calming your emotions, specific sound frequencies will be chosen to address this or if you have a painful knee, healing frequencies will be chosen to soothe this area of your body.

Perhaps you simply want to ease your tensions, feel fully rested and reap the benefits of deep tissue relaxation. It will be our pleasure to arrange this for you.

FEE: $125 ($100 with your $25 DISCOUNT - see how to claim it below )

Reserve your spot!

Bookings are currently being accepted. You are invited to reserve your spot. We offer day, evening and weekend sessions.

FEE: $125 ($100 with your $25 DISCOUNT)

Send us an email to reserve your spot and claim your $25 DISCOUNT.

You can expect a response within 24 hours.

CLICK HERE to send us an email to reserve your spot and claim your $25 DISCOUNT