Welcome to the
Inner Healing Academy

Your journey to holistic health starts here!

Our mission is to support you to make healthy choices in terms of your food, thoughts and emotional patterns. 

Gain control of your anxiety and negative tendencies through sound therapy and meditation. Experience deep and lasting peace which comes from within and cannot be found anywhere in the outside world. 

Gain control of your food choices and increase your energy and reduce your risk factors for disease.

Sound therapy - Meditation - Nutrition Books - Courses - Coaching

Dr Kim Benson

Kim is the founder of the Inner Healing Academy. She holds a PhD and Doctorate in Natural Medicine. She is trained in a plethora of holistic healing modalities but has a particular passion for sound therapy. Kim comes from a musical family and is a classically-trained pianist and flautist. Her love of music also extends to instruments that are unconventional but recognized for their therapeutic properties. She also offers her services as a meditation coach and a plant-based nutrition consultant. Through her thoughtful and kind approach, she has assisted many to live in harmony with themselves and with nature.

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Our sound therapy practice is based on the well established understanding that we are electromagnetic beings in a constant state of vibration. Through the application of the knowledge gained via a study of quantum physics and cymatics (sound made visible), we are harnessing the power of sound to restore harmony and balance to mind, body and emotions. Sound is able to penetrate all levels of our being and is an extremely relaxing therapeutic experience.

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People from all walks of life have been  helped to gain control of their thoughts and feelings through a deep meditative practice, where we discover the truth of who we really are and learn to harness the power within us. This gives us the power and the knowledge of how to live our lives to the fullest.

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Kim has given over 1,000 live presentations, educating people on the benefits of a plant-based diet and helped many to gain control of their habitual, negative thought patterns around food. Once the mind aspect of food is managed, the rest follows fairly easily

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